Sunday, April 5, 2009

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

ED has become a curse in most households. Millions of couples from across the world worry and fret over the fact that they cannot erect anymore. Relationships have been destroyed and lives broken. What are the causes of this humiliating condition? We will discuss these in this post.

Below is mentioned in brief the major causes of ED:

1. Diabetes: This dreadful condition affects the functioning of the nerves and arteries, making erections very difficult to achieve. Do you have your diabetes under check?

2. Damaged nerves: Nerves control erections too and this affects your erections greatly.

3. Hormonal imbalances: Irregular production of hormones such as thyroid and testosterone greatly affect the manner in which erections are produced.

4. Tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse: Lifestyle changes greatly affect erection capabilities.

5. Medication: Some medications have a negative impact on erections. Get in touch with your Doctor if you feel that your medications are playing havoc with your life.

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