Monday, February 8, 2010

Are you facing Erectile Dysfunction along with Diabetes? What should you do?

Erectile Dysfunction is a sexual disorder characterized by a man's failure to keep an erection long enough to finish the sexual intercourse, or fail to have an ejaculation. It is estimated that between more than 20% of diabetic men will experience E.D.

The Link between Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction:
Diabetes affects bodily systems such as the circulatory, nervous, and the endocrine systems. The organs in these systems all work in harmony to let blood flow into the penis so that erection can take place. Also, diabetic persons are more likely to have low testosterone levels, which is responsible for the enhancement of libido or sexual energy..

The Diet of a person suffering from both the above conditions:
Avoid man-made and animal fats; eat only fats from nuts, poultry and lean meat instead
Drink lots of water
Eat vitamin rich foods
Avoid foods that contain too much sugar
Plenty of vegetables, protein, and whole wheat foods
Include exercise programs as part of one's daily routine

Oral Treatments for ED caused by Diabetes and otherwise:
Natural Herbal medicines like VigaPlus an effective Viagra alternative can be used for Erectile Dysfunction. These pills work by increasing the flow of blood to the penile and therefore giving the user a rigid erection and also making sure that the erection stays rigid for a considerable amount of time.

Most of the Herbs in VigaPlus are also used to boost sex drive. It is a safe and effective remedy for ED. For more details on Herbal Viagra VigaPlus - visit the website -

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