Friday, August 6, 2010

Guidelines for people suffering from Erectile Dysfunction...

Reasons of impotency:
1) Damage - to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles and fibrous tissues.
2) Diseases - such as diabetes kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, and atherosclerosis.
3) Surgeries - Some surgeries can injure nerves, arteries, near the penis causing erectile dysfunction.
4) Injuries - Injury to penis, spinal cord ,prostate bladder and pelvis, can lead to erectile dysfunction.
5) Medicines – Blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizer, appetite suppressants.. .
6) Psychological factors – Such as stress anxiety, guilt, depression, low self respect and fear for sexual failure causes Ed.
7) Alcoholism – Excessive consumption of alcohol causes ED

If erection does not occur during sleep then that may be due to mechanical or organic cause. However if you discover that erection do occur during sleep, but you still you experience erectile dysfunction when awake, then the problem has psychological basis and a counselor may be consulted.
• Discuss your problem with your partner, and express your feelings.
• Follow the relaxation techniques like yoga, bio feedback etc.
• Stop smoking and taking hard liquor.
• Take hot and cool showers, alternatively to increase circulation.
• Take natural herbal supplements

VigaPlus is the natural Viagra alternative for problems related to ED and when you are unable to get hard during sexual encounters. Unlike synthetic medications, VigaPlus is a very effective anti-impotence remedy and is free from side effects. For more information on this product, visit its website

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