Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nasty Side effects to synthetic erectile dysfunction pills –That They Don’t Tell You before You Buy

All the stats and information regarding the nasty and real side effects accompanying top selling ED pills was taken from reliable sources and can be checked for validity through the Internet or library.

The Scary Truth of Synthetic ED pills –
1. There’s always a strict warning that Pharmaceutical companies give – it states - Viagra cannot be taken without a prescription from a doctor because of the many risks, especially for men taking nitroglycerin
2. The British Medical Journal [2] reports several cases of men taking Viagra who maintained painful erections for up to 24 hours after ejaculation (called priapism) this can even cause permanent impotence
3. Sperm from men who take Viagra can no longer fertilize eggs as effectively as sometimes Viagra causes sperm cells to premature release digestive enzymes that normally break down the wall of the egg and thus reduce fertility.
4. CBS News analyzed four years of Viagra adverse events reported to the FDA. There were eye problems in more than 800 patients with more than 140 cases of partial or total blindness.
The other side effects affecting around 2% of the population consuming ED synthetic pills:
• Allergic reactions
• Muscle pain (known medically as myalgia)
• Depression
• Seizures
• Anxiety
• Prolonged erections without pain or Prolonged, painful erections (priapism)
• Angina pectoris
• Migraines
• Temporary vision loss or sudden decrease in hearing
• Fainting
• Cataracts
• Urinary incontinence.
• Congestive heart failure
• Dry mouth
• Anemia
• Asthma
• Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)
• Cataracts
• In rare cases, there have also been serious problems that occur in the heart, brain, or blood vessels.

In view of these increasing numbers of side effects accompanying many synthetic ED pills today, many doctors are now recommending herbal pills for ED. Herbal pills are know to end episodes of ED without any side effects as they are completely natural and safe to use and non prescriptive too. VigaPlus is a well known ED herbal pill. It’s got great reviews and is quite effective too. Millions vouch for its effectiveness. For more details on this herbal pill – visit its website –

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